Nevi - #LongWayFromHome

Nevi - #LongWayFromHome

Montreal Native Nevi  Released His Latest Project “#LongWayFromHome” Listen On All DSP’s
Nevi is a Hip-Hop artist based out of West Coast Canada, born and raised in Montreal, QC. Since his recent album release, he has quickly gained thousands of listeners’ attention with his deep, thoughtful, lyrical music. Nevi will also be releasing a groundbreaking album in August titled “XX”, focused on bars, but packed with real life experience. Nevi is sure to become one of the greatest artists of his genre coming from Canada.
Keep up with Nevi on social media!!
Ig: @nevirhymes
Nevi - #LongWayFromHome Nevi - #LongWayFromHome Reviewed by Staff Writer on 3:24:00 PM Rating: 5
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